Communication & Dissemination
The 2019 Bucharest Architecture Annual
Research in Architecture Jury - Participatory architecture section, Sections 12
- arch. Marc JAY (Denmark)
- arch. Ana Maria GOILAV (Romania)
- arch. Alexandru RĂUȚĂ (Romania)
- arch. Irina MELIȚĂ (Romania)
- arch. Anca Ioana IONESCU (Netherlands/Romania)
Prize of the “Research in Architecture / Participatory Architecture” section
Research in Architecture - Architecture Books Jury - Section 11
- arch. Melania DULĂMEA
- arch. Nicolae Alexandru PANAITESCU
Romanian applied study on rural heritage
Authors: Lect. dr. arh. Mihaela Hărmănescu, Asist.dr.arh. Elena Cristina Mândrescu, Conf.dr.arh. Andra Panait, Conf.dr.arh. Marius Voica, Șef de lucrări dr. arh. Marina Mihăilă, Șef de lucrări dr.arh. Adrian Moleavin
List of articles/ conferences 2019
1. V.Sapienza. (2019). LE CASE EOLIANE Progetto di un modulo didattico innovativo. AEOLIAN HOUSES Design of an innovative teaching module design; M. Voica, M. Hărmănescu, C. Mândrescu. PART E II – 1; Luca Finocchiaro PARTE II – 2; Simona Calvagna PARTE I - 1; III – 5; Gianluca Rodonò PARTE I - 2; III – 7; EdicomEdizioni, ISBN 978-88-96386-76-7
2. M.Hărmănescu, E.C.Mândrescu, A.Panait, … (2019). Romanian applied study on rural heritage. Sustainable revitalization methodology approaching inter-multi-and trans-disciplinarily of build culture aiming to promote social inclusion for disadvantaged and remote communities. VVITA Workshop, Danube Delta, Editura Universitară „Ion Mincu”, ISBN 978-606-638-191-8
3. Dissemination through Presentation of the project at International Conferences/ Meetings:
- EUSDR – Working Community of the Danube Regions - the voice of regions in the danube area, Activity accomplished with one of our stakeholders – TUW, represented by prof. Meinhard Breiling, Summer School in the Danube Region: Exploring Landscapes, Biodiversity and Soils while Educating Environmental Ambassadors, 06.2019, Human Rights Hall, Parliament Palace, Bucharest,
4. M. Voica, E.C. Mândrescu, M. Hărmănescu, A.Panait, A, Moleavin, M. Mihăilă. (2019). VVITA ERASMUS+ C6-C7 THE OPENING CONFERENCE, Urbanism. Arhitectură. Construcţii Journal, Vol. 10, No. 2, ed. URBAN INCD INCERC, ISSN 2069-0509,
5. Dissemination through students that participated at VVITA Intensive Programmes:
I.M.Buză, G.Chaudhary, N.Chhajer, C.Magrì, M.Nais Nină, M.Sbarcea. (2019). Adaptive reuse of historical building heritage in Lofoten, Norway. Revista Şcolii Doctorale de Urbanism Journal, Vol. 4 / 2019, ISSN 2537–3587
6. Dissemination through Presentation of the Innovative Teaching Module Inside VVITA Project at International Conference Salerno:
Vincenzo Sapienza, Chiara Bertolin, Ivo Caliò, Simona Calvagna, Luca Finocchiaro, Antonio
Gagliano, Mihaela Hărmănescu, Elena Cristina Mândrescu, Giuseppe Margani, Marina
Mihăilă, Adrian Moleavin, Andra Panit, Gianluca Rodonò, Markus Schwai, Marius Voica; An Innovative Teaching Module Inside VVITA Project - Sustainable And Inclusive Development Of Strategies To Vitalize Villages Through Innovative Architecture Technologies, STC 2019, Classroom 1, Aula 1, Sessione 6, University of Salerno, September 2019

Channels of disseminaton
Websites Partners Universities:;;;
Websites Academics/ teachers/ students from Partners Universities/ on similar profile:
Websites from associated project partners:
Websites from European/ National/ regional sector association:
Exhibiton and wrap-up session with VVITA results
OAR House, Bucharest. Meet with the team and the steakholders for lovely stories about the two years of project, October 2019, Bucharest Regional office of OAR – dissemination event for general public
International Summer School at Periprava, Danube Delta
Testing the results of Intelectual Outputs from VVITA Erasmus+ project at a final moment, in the rural heritage of Danube Delta. Activity accomplished with one of our stakeholders – TUW represented by prof. Meinhard Breiling.
In October 2019, the International Summer School in Periprava was held. It gathered students with different nationalities come through the ERASMUS program in the University of Architecture and Urbanism Ion Mincu Bucharest - the host and students from Technische Universitat Wien.
Danube Delta, another kind of past
Lecture within the VVITA ERASMUS + project having as theme a short survey on Danube Delta history, culture and social aspects over time; open discussion. Special guest: Octav Bjoza, President of Former Romanian Political Prisoners Association AFDPR, 10.2019, Sala T4, UAUIM – dissemination event for general public.
Last transnational management meeting of VVITA ERASMUS+ educational project in Norway, October 2019, NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology
The aim is to evaluate the general implementation schedule, the collected and processed data which reveals the project implementation, its impact and sustainability, discussion about the future needed actions to be taken.
Intensive programmes for higher education learners:
“Romanian applied study on rural heritage sustainable revitalization methodology approaching inter-,multi- and trans- disciplinarily of build culture aiming to promote social inclusion for disadvantage and remote communities.”
ITALY - FILICUDI: “Multicultural applied study on rural sustainable spontaneous heritages, approaching multi- inter- criteria analysis for risk evaluations of energy and mechanical performances”
NORWAY - LOFOTEN: “Multicultural applied study on rural sustainable spontaneous heritages, approaching multi- inter- criteria analysis for risk evaluations of energy and mechanical performances”
Students ‘call
Intensive programmes for higher education learners:
“Romanian applied study on rural heritage sustainable revitalization methodology approaching inter-,multi- and trans- disciplinarily of build culture aiming to promote social inclusion for disadvantage and remote communities.”
LOCATION: Sfistofca, Tulcea, Romania
The Intensive programmes for higher education learners in Romania are the 6th Learning/Teaching/Training activities of VVITA Project, an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships for higher education (KA2) between UAUIM, UNICT & NTNU, that raises question of European high education and underlines thematic approach of complexity on rural heritage conditions emergencies, actual chances and challenges where traditional division of disciplines are outdated. Participant universities have different approaches and profiles offering diversity in the project; cooperation sets up creativity and discipline interference based on identity. Engineer field disciplines focus on technical-economics aspects and architecture ones on architectural design and aesthetic approach, while urbanism disciplines focus on territorial developments and cultural landscape. These learning, teaching and training activities equip students and teachers with competences, knowledge and skills of interdisciplinary interaction in order to successfully cope with contemporary challenges of sustainable and inclusive strategies to vitalize heritage villages through innovative technologies. In the same time, they encourage the cooperation between disciplines, cities and countries supporting the mobility and comprehensive interaction.



Communication/dissemination event for general public with partially results of the project VVITA
April 2019, MuRa - Museo della Rappresentazione, Catania, Sicily
- Intensive Programmes for Higher Education Learners: Adaptive reuse of historical building heritage in Lofoten _ Exhibition
- Intensive Programmes for Higher Education Learners: Multicultural applied study on rural sustainable spontaneous heritages, approaching multi- inter- criteria analysis for risk evaluations of energy and mechanical performances _ Filicudi _ Exhibition
Transnational Project Meeting _ Interim meeting in Catania
11th-12th of April 2019,
DICAR - Universita degli Studi di Catania / MuRa - Museo della Rappresentazione
On this occasion, VVITA team analyse the partial results and decide on main action, significant amendments, milestones, solving problems, important decisions. A processing of data which reveals the project implementation is performed.
List of articles/ conferences 2018
Acknowledgement: VVITA erasmus+
1. V.Sapienza, C.Bertolin, I.Caliò, L.Finocchiaro, A.Gagliano, M.Hărmănescu, E.C.Mândrescu, G.Margani, M.Mihăilă, A.Panait, G.Rodonò, and M.Voica. (2018). VVITA Project – Sustainable and inclusive development of strategies to vitalize villages through innovative architecture technologies. in Proceedings of the 4th Biennial of Architectural and Urban Restoration, BRAU4 host of the Itinerant Congress Hidden Cultural Heritage: Under Water, Under Ground And Within Buildings 15–30 April, 2018. Published by CICOP Italia ONLUS, ISBN 978-88-909116-5-1. pp.955-966
- Communication/dissemination article’s title on ResearchGate:
2. M.Voica, E.C.Mândrescu, M.Hărmănescu, M.Mihăilă, A.Panait, A.Moleavin, A.Afrăsinei, I.E.Zacharias Vultur, G.Mitrache, M.Stănculescu, V.Sapienza, I.Caliò, A.Gagliano, G.Rodonò, L.Finocchiaro, C.Bertolin, M.Schwai. (2018). Lofoten Peninsula and Eolian Archipelago: Vernacular architecture experiences in two Fisherman's villages. in CSAV Journal 2018, Vernacular Technics. The technical heritage of Romania's villages. “Ion Mincu” University Publishing House, ISSN 2068-472X
- Communication/dissemination article’s title on ResearchGate:'s_villages
3. ***(2018). Un workshop orientato allo studio dell'architettura eoliana. Promosso dal dipartimento di Ingegneria civile e Architettura nell'ambito del progetto internazionale "VVITA". VVITA intensive period in Aeolia Island has been published on the Bollettino di Ateneo of UNICT. in Giornale dell'Università degli Studi di Catania - Aut. Trib. di Catania n. 15 del 04/07/1995
Article BRAU

Article CSAV

Article Bollettino UNICT

4. Dissemination through Lectures at the students of TUW, one of our stakeholders represented by prof. Meinhard Breiling, DealuFrumos| Schonberg
Workshop ideas, M. Voica, TU Wien, May 2018. The aim of this presentation: Testing the partial results of Intelectual Outputs from VVITA Erasmus+ project and a continuation of studies in the rural heritage area in association with other interested partners.
5. Dissemination through Presentation of the project at International Conferences/ Meetings:
EUSDR – EXPANDING CIVIC SPACES - PARTICIPATION STRATEGIES IN THE DANUBE REGION, Activity accomplished with one of our stakeholders – TUW, represented by prof. Meinhard Breiling, International Summer School Project Dealu Frumos, 10.2018, Sofia, Bulgaria
International Summer School at Dealu Frumos
Testing the partial results of Intelectual Outputs from VVITA Erasmus+ project at an intermediate moment, adapted to the rural typology of Transylvania. Activity accomplished with one of our stakeholders – TUW, represented by prof. Meinhard Breiling.
In July 2018, the International Summer School in Dealu Frumos was held. It gathered 25 students with eight nationalities originating from the University of Architecture and Urbanism Ion Mincu Bucharest, the host, Technische Universitat Wien and the Korean Gyeongsang National University from Jinju. In total 12 teachers and supervisors from Romania, Austria, Germany, Japan and Korea were present and supported the students in their search for contemporary uses for selected lands, villages and houses of the region that became marginalized and widely neglected after the retreat of German settlers taking place during the final quarter of the last century.
Students ‘call
EVENT TITLE: Intensive programmes for higher education learners: “Multicultural applied study on rural sustainable spontaneous heritages, approaching multi- inter- criteria analysis for risk evaluations of energy and mechanical performances”
10-20.09.2018 (the schedule may vary with a day, depending on the transport),
LOCATION: Catania and Filicudi, Italy
The Intensive programmes for higher education learners in Italy are the 5th Learning/Teaching/Training activities of VVITA Project, an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships for higher education (KA2) between UAUIM, UNICT & NTNU that raises question of European high education and underlines thematic approach of complexity on rural heritage conditions emergencies, actual chances and challenges where traditional division of disciplines are outdated. Participant universities have different approaches and profiles offering diversity in the project; cooperation sets up creativity and discipline interference based on identity. Engineer field disciplines focus on technical-economics aspects and architecture ones on architectural design and aesthetic approach, while urbanism disciplines focus on territorial developments and cultural landscape. These learning, teaching and training activities equip students and teachers with competences, knowledge and skills of interdisciplinary interaction in order to successfully cope with contemporary challenges of sustainable and inclusive strategies to vitalize heritage villages through innovative technologies. In the same time, they encourage the cooperation between disciplines, cities and countries supporting the mobility and comprehensive interaction.
The final presentation of the students who have taken part in the intensive periods
PDF version and the INDD one (for In Design)



The final report for the selection of students of UNICT for the Intensive Period in Filicudi


UNICT didactic materials

Download satellite images:

EVENT TITLE: Intensive programmes for higher education learners: “Adaptive reuse of historical building heritage in Lofoten”
20-30.06.2018 (the schedule may vary with a day, depending on the transport),
LOCATION: Trondheim and Lofoten, Norway
The Intensive programmes for higher education learners in Norway are the 3rd Learning/Teaching/Training activities of VVITA Project, an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships for higher education (KA2) between UAUIM, UNICT & NTNU, that raises question of European high education and underlines thematic approach of complexity on rural heritage conditions emergencies, actual chances and challenges where traditional division of disciplines are outdated. Participant universities have different approaches and profiles offering diversity in the project; cooperation sets up creativity and discipline interference based on identity. Engineer field disciplines focus on technical-economics aspects and architecture ones on architectural design and aesthetic approach, while urbanism disciplines focus on territorial developments and cultural landscape. These learning, teaching and training activities equip students and teachers with competences, knowledge and skills of interdisciplinary interaction in order to successfully cope with contemporary challenges of sustainable and inclusive strategies to vitalize heritage villages through innovative technologies. In the same time, they encourage the cooperation between disciplines, cities and countries supporting the mobility and comprehensive interaction.



Proceedings of the 4th Biennial of Architectural and Urban Restoration, BRAU4
host of the Itinerant Congress, Hidden Cultural Heritage: Under Water, Under Ground And Within Buildings
15th to 30th April 2018
- V.Sapienza, C.Bertolin, I.Caliò, L.Finocchiaro, A.Gagliano, M.Hărmănescu, E.C.Mândrescu, G.Margani, M.Mihăilă, A.Panait, G.Rodonò, and M.Voica. (2018). VVITA Project – Sustainable and inclusive development of strategies to vitalize villages through innovative architecture technologies la Proceedings of the 4th Biennial of Architectural and Urban Restoration, BRAU4 gazdă a Itinerant Congress Hidden Cultural Heritage: Under Water, Under Ground And Within Buildings 15–30 Aprilie 2018. Editura CICOP Italia ONLUS, ISBN 978-88-909116-5-1. pp.955-966
II BRAU Oral Session – Keynote Lectures:
- M. Voica, The tradition of fishermen’s shelters in Danube Delta
- L. Finocchiaro, The revitalization of the HouJi village: an analysis of historical, social and environmental issues
IV BRAU Oral Session – Approved Lectures:
- E.C. Mândrescu, M. Hărmănescu, G. Rodono, C. Bertolin, VVITA Project - Sustainable and inclusive development of strategies to vitalize villages through innovative architecture technologies

C1 - Short - term Joint Staff Training Events, Catania
16th to 20th April 2018
City Center Guided Tour
The “Asse dei Viali” in Catania, perfect location for the Italian Villa_ 16th April 2018
Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture - DICAR - Universita degli Studi di Catania
MuRa - Museo della Rappresentazione
via Etnea, 742 – Catania_17th April 2018
Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture - DICAR -
Città Universitaria - Building 4 - via Santa Sofia, 64 - Catania_18th April 2018
Palazzo della Cultura - Palazzo Platamone
via Vittorio Emanuele II, 121 – Catania_19th April 2018
Aula Magna - Palazzo della Scienze
corso Italia, 55 – Catania_20th April 2018
Professors ’call
EVENT TITLE: Short-term joint staff training events
The Short-term joint staff training event is the 1st Learning/Teaching/Training activities of VVITA Project, an Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships for higher education (KA2) between UAUIM, UNICT & NTNU, that raises question of European high education and underlines thematic approach of complexity on rural heritage conditions emergencies, actual chances and challenges where traditional division of disciplines are outdated. Participant universities have different approaches and profiles offering diversity in the project; cooperation sets up creativity and discipline interference based on identity. Engineer field disciplines focus on technical-economics aspects and architecture ones on architectural design and aesthetic approach, while urbanism disciplines focus on territorial developments and cultural landscape. For the need of complexity approach on the topic, project offers integrate vision usually neglected through apart disciplines aiming strengthening architectural curricula and new teaching and learning adapted to new societal and professional setups. The selection will consider teachers from the partner institutions with cross-disciplines related to the heritage villages vitalization, building sustainability, architecture/engineer, rural heritage, risk assessment, building technologies, cultural landscape, urbanism, energy efficiency, cultural heritage, aesthetic architecture, building structure, Net Zero Energy Building, etc.
16-20.04.2018, LOCATION: University of Catania, Italy
TARGET GROUP: 6 teachers
DEADLINES | Open call: 22.02. 2018 | Application deadline: 04.03.2018
Interview: 05.03.2018, BAFE Office, 4th level UAUIM, 13:00
For more informations see the documents below:



Kickoff Meeting & Project Working Event
13th of December 2017, “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism, Bucharest, 18-20 Academiei Street, 11:00 AM, Senate Hall (Sala Senat – 1st level near Amphitheatre, right side )
On this occasion, VVITA team launches the project and starts networking with dedicated partners. This moment will be a wonderful opportunity to present the project and its aims, innovative results, partner universities and project team, together for a fruitful collaboration within education field. Participation is based on an invitation.
EXHIBITION: “Danube Delta – The perennial Past”
4-13th of December 2017, “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism, Bucharest, 18-20 Academiei Street, Exhibition Hall
“Danube Delta – The perennial Past” exhibition is organized within the VVITA ERASMUS + project, together with ARBDD and „Salvați Fauna și Flora” Association.
The exhibition covers reconditioned images after original clichés on glass (collector Ioan Paun) having as theme the atmosphere of the Danube Delta. The photos presents the atmosphere, the rural landscape and the fishermen communities of the interwar period.
Tuesday, 7 of November, JW Marriott Grand Hotel, Bucharest
Nominated Project in WOOD REINVENTED Section
Study: ”The Fishermen's Shelter”
The fishermen’s shelters and traditional buildings, specific to the Danube Delta, were located in isolated areas, away from the villages’ heart serving as a home during the fishing seasons. This study is about an architectural solution which will provide shelter and housing for 6-12 fishermen, and is adaptable for more sites in the Danube Delta.
The concept has started from the basic function (housing) and adopts the typology of the traditional plan used in the Danube Delta, including the porch and the space for socialization.
The structure is entirely made of timber, starting with the pilots’ foundation, the structure of the walls, terrace, and roof, and ending with the reed cover and the insulating panels from straw.
This project is modular, using row materials, and is easily adaptable for different locations. It is fully recyclable and re-usable after the end of its life cycle. We are not using concrete or other hard-to-recycle materials.
The house is energy efficient, the architectural concept utilizes passive methods, such as orientation, shape, configuration, efficiently used natural insulation, intermediate space, and active methods, sensibly using the resources, such as solar and photovoltaic panels, pellet heating system (uses dried straw – usually fired in the Danube Delta for plant regeneration), as well as natural filters and purification systems.
This solution intends to be a good example of flagship that can be multiplied for the future ecological and eco-low-tourism of the Danube Delta, where locals should rationally manage both resources and environment, as well as tourism and mobility on the Delta channels.
© George Adamescu - Sfistofca Art Association.